Monday 31 December 2018

How to Use Email Marketing to Boost SEO in 2019


What if I told you that you can use email marketing to boost SEO, would you buy the idea? You might be wondering… what is email marketing in SEO?

What is the relationship between email marketing and search engine optimization (SEO)?

Email marketing has no direct impact on SEO because emails are not indexed or ranked by Google.

And because emails are used typically to increase open rates and click-through-rates (CTR), some marketers believe that email marketing has no link to SEO.

But they’re wrong because email marketing is a great resource tool you can use to improve your SEO campaign.

In fact, recent research by Conductor reveals that 51% of web users found a new website through emails, while 54% found a new site via organic search.


Interestingly, then, if such a staggering number of people found new websites through emails, that means email marketing is linked to SEO and has the potential to dramatically improve your search engine efforts. How?

Here’s how…

In this article, you will discover the best simple tips to use email marketing to boost your search engine optimization (SEO) effort.

Email high-quality content to your subscribers to boost SEO

In the above section, I made clear that email marketing can improve website engagement, but that can work perfectly well only if you email quality content to your email subscribers.

This means that the email newsletters you send out to your subscribers must engage and resonate with your target market.

It has to address their needs because that’s the primary reason for subscribing to your newsletter.

But, how does this improve your SEO campaign?

I will tell you…

Before you start sending out emails, make sure you add enough inbound links to your email content to make it easier for email recipients to click over to your blog to read your articles.

However, there are two ways to do this;

  1. Refer to a complementary blog content in your email messages using inbound links.
  2. Create content digests with URLs that will lead subscribers to relevant blog posts on your website.

Ideally, if your email content is not interesting (quality content), no one will click through to your site, instead, they will delete your email and move on.

That’s why your email material must be quality content.

Use email marketing to improve link building

Although email has no direct impact on SEO, it influences and improves link building.

A high volume of domains linking to your blog or website will improve your domain authority, and email marketing can help you achieve that.

Your email newsletter is the tool you need to encourage recipients to link back to your website.

For example, when you send out an email newsletter about your latest blog post, ask recipients to click through and link to your posts.

This step is important because acquiring quality inbound links is an essential Google ranking factor that will greatly improve your search engine optimization (SEO) and Google rankings.

It is common knowledge that people always refer to interesting articles – blog posts that are filled with statistical data and case-study blog content to back up their point.

So here’s what to do…

  • Create a well-researched article.
  • Add links to your post.
  • Make the post easy to link to.
  • Send out email newsletters and encourage backlinks from your email recipients.

You will be surprised at its effectiveness.

Use emails to increase website engagement

In a study conducted by digital marketing power-house, Neil Patel, he found that 41% of his blog comments were written by email recipients.

This shows that email recipients are more likely to engage with your blog content, which is an element of Google ranking factor and good for SEO because it helps to reduce bounce rate.


Encourage engagement to your site by responding to emails from your subscribers. When responding to their emails, ask them to click through to your site. It helps to improve conversion and boost traffic.

That way, you open a communication link between you and your email subscribers.

Here’s the scenario…

Your email recipients receive your emails, they click through to your site and read your latest blog post. Then, they leave a comment on the blog and click your internal links to read even more.

What do you think is happening here? They’re staying longer on your website, reducing bounce rate and increasing user dwell time.


That is what Google loves the most. It will help to boost your search rankings and website performance.

This effectively means that a higher bounce rate is bad for your SEO campaigns.

Use email marketing to boost content visibility

Yes! With your emails, you can easily use email marketing to boost SEO by promoting your content to your subscribers and improve the visibility of your blog posts.

When you improved content visibility, your website traffic will increase as well, enhancing the overall performance of your site on search engine.

Here is a simple step to follow…

Send out weekly newsletters to your email subscribers that outline or summarize some of your best blog content.

I will not recommend sending daily newsletters as some might find it spammy and irritating.

This step will without fail boost your blog content visibility, drive more website traffic, and get you quality inbound links.

Email marketing makes website visitors return to your site

Did you know? When you send out email newsletters, it tells your site visitors to return and read your latest blog post.

In other words, your email is a tool that brings returning visitor to your site. And why would they come back?


Because they’re satisfied with what you’re offering them. If they weren’t satisfied with your content, certainly, they will not return to your site.

In fact, Cyrus Shepard wrote an article on the Moz blog where he noted that “user satisfaction is a Google ranking factor.”

Hence, your target market keeps coming back to your site because they’re satisfied with your content. They find your content unique and useful.

This is a wakeup call for you to make sure you produce quality always. Do not compromise quality over quantity!

So, focus on providing value both on blog content and email newsletter. Make your readers satisfaction your priority.

But you may ask…

How can you improve user satisfaction?

Please, read this article to learn simple steps that will help you improve website visitor satisfaction.

Write appealing email subject lines

Why should you write an appealing email subject line? Because on average, email recipients receive hundreds of emails per day.

It’s not funny being bombarded with tons of emails every day, which has resulted in less email opens.

Although they may seem insignificant, the quality of your subject line can make or break your email marketing campaign. Why?

Because they are the first impressions (positive or negative) your email recipients have if you.

So, to make sure your emails get opened,  craft incredibly appealing email subject lines that will grab your subscribers attention and make them click.

In fact, recent research shows that 75% of email recipients check their emails on smartphones.

So then…

How can you write compelling email subject lines that will stand out and move email subscribers to open your emails?

Follow these simple tips:

  • Craft shorter email subject lines – Because 75% of users are accessing their emails on mobile devices, a longer email subject line will get cut off – making it impossible for users to understand the content. This might result in them deleting your emails. But shorter subject lines would be easier to scan and read.
  • Make your preheader more engaging and compelling – A preheader or preview text is not a subject line, but it works similar to an email subject line because it appears next to the subject line. It gives email recipients a glimpse of what is in it for them. Many email clients will show your preheader/preview text next to your subject line. See screenshot… For example, here is a sample screenshot of a preview text alongside a subject line on Gmail.
  • Personalize your email – Personalizing your subject line is important because it evokes emotions and increases click-through-rates  (CTR). Thus, use recipients name.

Increase your social signals

The 200 Google ranking factors do not include social media activities, but research on 23 million social media activities reveals that the top four Google ranking positions are those with the most Google+ and Facebook activity.

It goes to show that social signals are essential for search engine optimization (SEO). Thus, use email marketing to increase social signals.

Here’s how…When you create and publish new blog content, send email newsletters to subscribers in your list and ask them to share the link of your new post.

Another way to make it a lot easier for your subscribers to help increase social signals is to add social media share buttons in your email messages.

That way, email recipients will increasingly share your blog content across social media site and boost your SEO efforts.


Here we have amazing tips to integrate email marketing into your SEO effort and increase search rankings. Although there are many ways to boost your marketing effort, emails are a great digital marketing asset you must not ignore.

You will succeed in your email campaigns only if you have the right strategy. So apply these tips and text your own strategy to find out how you’re progressing.

Your buyer persona is at different stages, not their buying journey, which means that what works for Allen might not work for Jason.

Therefore, test, test, test!

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The post How to Use Email Marketing to Boost SEO in 2019 appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.


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