Thursday, 14 February 2019

Analyze if Your Business Is Ready for Online Collaboration Tools


Nowadays business has no borders. The progress of enterprise continues to accelerate, and all credit goes to constantly connect customers and mobile workforce. Competition is getting more intensified. Presenting a service or product promptly, efficiently and effectively is now a necessity, not an aspiration. If you don’t want to be overtaken, you just can’t wait for feedback to an email while something ought to be done right away. By the time you make a contact with the individual you expect, your competitors will be steps ahead of you. There are numerous remote collaboration tools available that can accelerate communication across the association, including instant message, chat, video conferencing and web-based collaboration. The significant question today is, ‘is your organization prepared for the online collaboration tools? Here are a few telltale indications that will help you to know that your enterprise is prepared for online collaboration tools.


Your Organization Already Have A Socially Collaborative Culture: It takes time for an enterprise to be recognized as socially optimized. It is important to calculate the impact of social media from the period you start using them. If your firm is getting likes, shares and retweets and other social metrics, you are aware of the complete social business culture. To achieve additional business worth with social, collaboration tools offer to ride the game to a completely new height. Common features such as real-time messaging, activity streams, and collaboration workstations are now incorporated with your ERP, CRM, and other systems already in use. Bringing social into prevailing enterprise systems helps to enhance efficiency as employees get involved and enthusiast.

The Requirement of Content Aggregation Is Rising: The choice to integrate all the systems together or to manage independent standalone applications, most firms will opt for the first option. It improves the speed of delivery, saves time and resources. If you deal in the knowledge business, the requirement for accumulating folders, files, and archives has never been as difficult as it is today. Regularly, your archive of important information rises and the demand to locate it remains competitive. Being capable of exploring the content drafted by the team is vital to improve productivity. To deliver this ability, remote work collaboration tools are the most suited.


Innovation Is Stalling: This is the time when creative firms are opposing paradigms that have prevailed for decades, one can’t afford to perform the catch-up game. Inspiring innovation is the process to remain ahead from the pack. For a modification to take place, you are in need of a stage which cheers idea sharing and collaboration tool is the source to achieve this.


Project Management Is A Headache: Managing the essentials of a project can be difficult. Time, people, money, and scope need to be perfectly observed and handled for projects to be accomplished efficiently. While operating with a team, co-workers might not always need access to information and require proficiency. An absence of accountability can produce allegation and finger-pointing which leads to unproductiveness. Lack of communication can also result in the failure of some projects. The collaboration tools can help to boost the project’s speed of communication and delivery.

You Have High Employee Turnover- Majority of young employees will jump the ship as soon as they get better and bigger deals on their lap or when they get bored. Even if you present them with great perks, the employee turnover ratio remains high among the young staffs. Young people spend a considerable amount of time with social media. They are acquainted with these platforms and they appreciate to engage and interact with others. Collaboration tool will help you to fetch the same kind of engagement and interaction into the workplace.  It is not an assurance that these collaboration tools will possibly decrease the employee turnover, however, there is a great possibility that it will inspire interactions and sharing which will definitely help to improve job satisfaction. According to a survey, a shortage of employee engagement also brings a huge churn rate. An interactive and engagement atmosphere helps the workforce to improve job satisfaction, it provides recognition for their contributions and gives a chance to perform under demanding tasks. A positive start such as introducing collaboration tools will motivate the employees to collaborate and engage.



With the help of Remote collaboration tools such as Fleep, you can store and control all your tasks, documents, conversations and keep everyone on the same page with live activity stream updates. Specifically, talking about Fleep, this tool also makes the sharing seamless and makes locating information easier.


Author Bio:

Ramesh is a content crafter and businessperson. He writes to encourage and educate readers about the innovative and unique approaches to enhance and expand the business. Determined to present reliable e-commerce guidance and helping firms to meet their corporate business objectives with the help of technology. Some of his preferred topics include Collaboration technologies, Social media for E-commerce, and content marketing techniques.

businesswoman’s hands using a laptop at the table


The post Analyze if Your Business Is Ready for Online Collaboration Tools appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.


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