Thursday 2 May 2019

11 Ways To Improve Your B2B Marketing Strategy That Increase Client Retention

We all know how difficult it is to retain the customers that you have attained after convincing them big time. Winning and getting new customers on board is exciting- this is why B2B marketing strategy is utilized so that your customers can have a satisfactory experience. However, when you think of attracting new customers the company often tends to forget the existing customers.

B2B marketers who focus too heavily on new customers might often leave their existing customers in shade. This laid-back attitude might often result in losing the clients that already exist. Here are some ways which will ensure that you never let go of your customers.

1. Use CRM and ERP

It is very important to have a strong client database in order to portray a good picture of the market. You can also find advanced software packages such as customer relationship management and enterprise resource planning software.

These tools can allow you to automate aspects of customer interaction and will also assist you to analyze the prevailing customer trends within your organization. A few simple trends can change the landscape of customer retention. This is why you should pay attention and make sure that your strategies are up to the mark.

2. Make them feel wanted

It is important to keep evolving your offerings when it comes to your clients. Make sure that your customers are feeling valued and ask them about what they are gaining from your relationship. You should also ask them about your goals than what they want to achieve in the future. Make sure that you continue demonstrating the value of existing customers.

Never assume that your customers will exhibit the same attitude towards a product or service when they first purchased it. When marketers are only obsessed with generating new leads retaining old or existing customers will become very difficult.

3. Support your clients

It is very important to provide excellent customer service. In order to retain customers, it is very crucial to make sure that they are being assisted and supported when required. Make sure that your clients feel really supported and a part of the community. Be very responsive to their questions and thank them for their queries.

Make sure that you answer all of their questions and strive to provide the best possible solution for the same.

4. Deal holistically

Almost all the B2B companies believe in carrying out their own customer research and your business might be the same. The qualitative data and quantitative data that you acquire can make you understand the underlying reason and high-level overview of the same. Howbeit, it’s not enough of its own. Thorough research from an objective party could be a real help. It can be the biggest welcome input that any brand wants. This step can help you understand your customers more smartly while overlaying your own data with the external data coming from third parties with various difficulties.

5. Customer loyalty programs

Apart from learning to master social media marketing, it is also important to learn other ways by which a customer’s loyalty can be retained. You can’t use the old tricks of handing over your business card or loyalty points which are completely worthless. Instead, you can try to promote customer loyalty with initiatives like a bonus or complimentary services with a specific order, discounts for customers who have been involved longer than a certain period of time.

This is how you will be able to increase client retention rate along with making them feel good about their association with your business.

6. Use content marketing to keep clients updated

It is very rightly said that information is the power these days. It is also true that successful firms know very well how they can use information in the right way. When used correctly, information can aid in attracting the right type of customer traffic for your business. Make sure that you update the blogs on your website which show off your products and services that you offer via a well-written blog or article.

This content will demonstrate that you are always motivated towards improvising your product quality.

7. Personalize the sales process

In this era of empowered customers, personalization is the key. If you think that a one-size-fits well approach to content and strategy is a significant tactic then it is not right. The sales reps must know who they are communicating with and how the buyers progress through their journey. Also, they should be able to identify the persona of the prospects along with their context of pain points. It can help you tailor the purchase process altogether while giving a better experience to the customers.

When it comes to sales asset management, you can take the help of an effective sales enablement tool to make this sort of customization scalable. With this technology, you can offer content based on a prospect’s stage in the entire sales process. It could further help to provide a personalized experience according to the buyer’s demand. Finally, your customers will get a great experience and stick to your business more.

8. Make use of customer advocacy

The most loyal customers that you have are the most powerful tools which play a major role when it comes to acquisition. You can take their advantage while letting them share your message on various social media platforms. Also, encourage them to speak at different events or contribute to your existing content. If you build a community with the customers whom you already have then you will definitely keep your existing buyers engaged. With that, your potential buyers will be motivated to sit up and take notice of what your business has to offer.

9. Let your departments work together

Well, it’s not only about the age-old sales and marketing relationship. Rather, every department that is involved in the retention process must have a voice. Whether it is the data team or the post-purchase salespeople, all of them must work together to entice the customers to stick to your business.

The B2B companies like your business need various departments that should be dedicated to their existing potential customers. You must have the sales and marketing teams charged with the education buyers on how they can expand on the service or products that they’ve invested in. Also, with the post-purchase customer success departments and technical support teams to boot, you can let your business work perfectly for maximum customer retention.

10. Be proactive

To tackle problems readily can be a beneficial approach while prospecting. Also, it is the same when it comes to managing your existing customer accounts and of course, keeping them happy. If you have any idea that a problem in your business might exist then flag it up.

Don’t just sit back and think that no-one is noticing. Rather, get proactive and alert customers to any potential issues while keeping them well-informed throughout various problem periods. It can help your business get into the good books of your customers who will, in turn, get retained more.

11. Predict customer behavior

According to a Customer Think survey, 83% of B2B leaders said that they want more information and data which describe customer intentions and help to create a holistic view of the customers. That is how data plays a significant role here. You can use predictive analysis to anticipate and understand the basic objectives regarding the future directions of customer needs and behaviors. While getting a basic idea of this, the sales reps can act in a smarter way.

Your business, with its B2B marketing strategy, must make use of tooling to collect meaningful information. Thus, the result of a particular sales situation can be predicted well and you can recommend content and selling strategies that are based on real-time data, best practice, and sales scenarios. This will be completely in favor of a great approach to customer retention at its best.

Summing Up

This is how you can retain more and more customers while giving your B2B marketing strategy a massive boost. What are you waiting for? Just follow these effective tricks now and you will certainly see the fantastic results in no time. Be smart, act strategically, and let your business climb up the new steps of success in no time.

Wish you all the best with your B2B marketing strategy! May your business touch a new height soon.


The post 11 Ways To Improve Your B2B Marketing Strategy That Increase Client Retention appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.


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