Thursday 2 May 2019

3 Sales Email Templates for Higher Prospects Engagement

The truth is, people are bombarded by emails – both at work and on their personal email accounts. In fact, it is estimated that in 2019 alone, over 293 billion emails will be sent which adds up to hours of time spent people will spend looking through emails.  Inboxes are crowded and full of messages competing for attention, which is why it is vital your emails stand out from others. Creating engaging emails can lead to more opens, more responses and more sales, which can be transformational for a business.

Crafting the perfect email requires planning and thought, and personalization.  Whether you are sending an email as an introduction to sales, requesting a demo, or closing a deal, it is vital that your email puts the customer first. Most decision makers appreciate individuals who consult and guide, not be overly pushy.  They also appreciate emails that get to the point and don’t waste time. We’ve talked to some email experts to develop 3 sample templates that can be a great jumping off point for any business.  These templates demonstrate confidence and trustworthiness while also putting the customer first.

Here, we’re going to examine 3 sales email templates you can make your own!

Best Sales Email Templates

With a 60 percent open rate and a 30 percent response rate, use the following email templates for higher prospect engagement.

1) Template To Make the Best Sales Introductions with New Prospects

If you’re reaching out to a new prospect, bring up some of their goals. This shows you know a little bit about them and their needs. Showing you have done your research and understand how to help their business will cut through the noise and make the recipient feel as though you are a trusted consultant.  This template also provides a clear (and short) way to list some of the benefits of your product and service.

An Example…

Subject: Are you working hard at ….?

Hi [Person’s name],

I had a chance to review your site. It looks like your service is great at [state something obvious that stands out]. But, while I can’t assume your business goals, I believe that [state the type of service you offer] might play a key role in your future success.

If you haven’t heard of [give your business name], our solutions help all types of small, medium and enterprise businesses with:

  1. State a goal here
  2. State a second goal here
  3. State a third goal here

Are you available for a brief call to discuss a strategy that [state your business name] can help you with?

Best regards,

[Provide your name]

2) A Template To Contact Someone Who Visited Your Website…

When a prospective customer or client visits your site, chances are they’re interested in your products or services. It is vital that you nurture this lead without coming across as too sale-y. By positioning yourself as an advisor they can trust, you can help them with the decision-making process. And, you can address any questions they might have.

An Example…

Subject: Let us be your go-to source for [line of business] questions

Hi [Their name],

I’d like to introduce myself. My name is [state your name] and I work for [give your company name]. I work with businesses in a consulting capacity and noticed you or someone on your staff visited our site.

I’d like to spend a little time learning more about you and your business. This can help me outline how I can assist you and areas of opportunity that might help your business further.

[Your business name] works with similar businesses like yours. We help them accomplish [ state a goal]. Hence, my reaching out to you and your business directly. We can provide you with resourceful tools to help you with [state a goal].

Do you have a few minutes today to talk? Or, can we schedule a time?

Please advise when your calendar is free and I will make myself available for you.


[Provide your name]

3) A Template To Make an Introduction to a Stranger…

As much as salespeople would like to avoid it, sometimes you need to do a cold email.  This requires an email to a stranger who may or may not be in the market to use your product or services. In this situation, it is best to get to the point and grab the reader’s attention.  This is a simple approach because you don’t want to make it long-winded or too much like a sales pitch.

An Example…

Hi [State their name],

I’ll keep this short and to the point. And, this will only take 26-seconds (I timed it).

As the [state your title] at [state your company], I talk to people every day about [state a goal]. [State their company name] is a business we would like to help. We’ve worked with similar businesses in the [state the nature of the business] area.

Would it be possible to schedule a 15-minute call to discuss a strategy for [state their business name]? I’d love to hear what you’re excited about and your plans for the future of your business.

Even if you don’t want to follow-up after the call, at least you’ll have some advice you can use to make an impact on [state their business name].

Best regards,

[Provide your name]

Make Every Email the One They Want to Open

These templates have been tested designed to drive results.  While they can be personalized for your business, it is also important to measure success. Make sure you count emails out and response to understand your response rate and then try to improve it. Additionally, software solutions can help you understand if your emails are even getting opened.

From sales introductions to reaching out to someone who visited your site, the messages are clear and concise. Start incorporating them into your email strategies as you reach out to potential customers or clients. Because they’re to the point, you’ll never have to be concerned again about if your emails are not getting opened.

Email marketing.

The post 3 Sales Email Templates for Higher Prospects Engagement appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.


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