Tuesday 7 May 2019

4 Effective Branding Tips to Attract Real Estate Business

In real estate business, if you manage to stand out from the crowd, you get half of your work done. The real estate market has been through some wild gyrations over the past decade. Not to mention, the competition has gotten more stringent than ever before. Amidst this cut-throat competition, if you really want your real estate business to stick out like a sore thumb, you will have to come up with the X-factor; something so appealing that could enable you to grab the maximum eyeballs on your online real estate business.

But the question is; in a country where there are is no dearth of real estate agents, how would you manage to be conspicuous? What are the traits that you need to acquire in order to emerge as an exclusive realtor?

The need here is to break the status quo. If you are satisfied being a mainstream real estate agent, you will not find anything interesting in this article. On the other hand, if you love being different and outstanding, you have landed on the right spot. In this article, we have compiled four vital tips that will help you step up your branding game and will grant you a prominent place in the sea of the same.

1.     Social Presence is a Must

In this technologically swift era, social media has become one of the most robust platforms which you cannot afford not being on. If you have been under the impression that social sites are overhyped and you don’t really need to have your brand presence on any of the social networks, then you may soon have to pay the price of this ignorance.

Believe it or not, real estate businesses nowadays are making the best use of social sites and growing a community through social media marketing. The cherry on the top, you don’t have to pay a single penny to build a social media presence unless you decide to run paid campaigns to promote your business.

What Should You Do?

Using social media as a marketing tool is the best way to increase your business exposure. Make sure your real estate business is active on all the major networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and even Instagram (if you take a lot of good quality pictures of houses). Engage your followers with some exciting posts, share house pictures and promote properties with a face that is familiar to everyone.

2.     Produce Engaging Video Content

Not all your efforts should be focused on the lead generation. Sometimes, you need to go for the tactics that may drag you out of your comfort zone, but you got to do what you got to do. Video content is not a lead generation tactic; instead, it’s a strategy that would help you in brand building.

People love to do business with realtors, they know and like. So what can be a better option than videos to establish the likeness?  It not only reduces the fear of the unknown but also builds trust in you as an authentic business. Being an online realtor, it’s way more challenging to construct a trustworthy image. Videos allow you to showcase your brand’s values most endearingly. In short, videos humanize your brand and give people an idea of who you are.

What Should You Do?

If you are scared of getting in front of the camera, it may be an intimidating task for the first time, but trust me it will be worth doing for your business. Bear the fact in mind that 60% of communication is done through your done, 30% through your body language and the rest of the 10% through the content. So make sure your tone is friendly and appealing while recording video content and you will end up having the best video to communicate your brand message.

3.     Think like a Marketer, Act Like a Realtor

It’s high time for you to realize that popping a ‘For Sale’ sign in your yard and listing it on a real estate site can never be a unique strategy as everyone else is doing the same thing. If you really want to catch the eye, you will have to break the status quo.

You should make people realize that you are working to serve them and you are not here to burn a hole in their pockets. Your paramount goal should always be earning the trust of your existing and potential customers which you can only do once you are aware of your target market and their needs. Self-awareness is mandatory for putting your brand message across with an exclusive approach.

What Should You Do?

First of all, you have to ask yourself a few questions. What is your unique selling proposition? What marketing techniques would you adopt to promote the properties? What will be your value proposition when you are working with the buyers? Do you have backup pricing plans in case your initial offers do not create the desired traction? How good are your negotiation’s skills? How would you generate the maximum anticipation for your open house?

Once you have sorted out all these questions, you will have half of your planning done, as these are the skills that consumers expect from a proficient real estate agent. Remember, in the end, customers want you to work as a problem solver, they want you to create the best end results, and you can only fetch the desired results when you know the answers to all the questions mentioned above.

4.     Make Your Branding Game Strong

People are most likely to trust a well-known real estate company, and they feel comfortable working with the agents who are affiliated with it. Why would anyone take the risk of working with someone who is faceless and unfamiliar?

Little do people realize how big of a difference a custom logo design and a unique online presence can create to their real estate business. Needless to say, as a realtor, you must have an active and well maintained online presence that accurately resonates with your customer base. This is why it is recommended for you to invest in your branding.

What Should You Do?

You need to hire the best custom logo and website designer who can help you create a strong brand identity based on your brand’s vision and values. Here is a checklist of all the visual elements that will help you create a robust visual brand identity.

  • The Logo: You may undergo a lot of iterations to get a perfect custom logo design for your brand, but it will be worth the effort in the long run. Your logo will be the emblem that would be imprinted on everything associated with your business. So be very vigilant while getting the one.
  • The Color Palette: You need to come up with a consistent color palette, which would be used throughout the images, texts and all the design pieces involved in the visual branding.
  • The Font: Choose a font that goes well with your brand’s personality. Remember, your font holds significance in brand building as it speaks the volume about the type of business you are.
  • The Images: You should be mindful of the quality of images that you put up on your website as well as your social platforms. Bad photography will affect your credibility and potential buyers will take the least interest in your pictures. Therefore, it is always recommended to hire a professional photographer who can provide you with stunning HD images of the properties.

Key Takeaway

In a nutshell, if you want to be noticeable, you will have to transform yourself from a faceless broker to a recognized realtor people love to work with, without any hesitation. To build your authenticity, you will have to consider and work on all the tips that have been mentioned. Closing a deal is something every realtor strives for, but this is not the only thing that you should be focused on. Your main objective should be to turn every customer into a referral source. This can be only done with the right branding and of course the best service. The combination of both can help you emerge as a likable realtor who has nothing but best to offer.


The post 4 Effective Branding Tips to Attract Real Estate Business appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.

source https://tweakyourbiz.com/marketing/marketing-strategy/effective-branding-tips

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