Wednesday 10 July 2019

Video Trends That Will Have a Lasting Influence

Many people nowadays complain about the reduced attention span, blaming the increased pace of life due to technological advancement. According to Forbes, most people living in Western countries spend more than 10 hours in front of the screen on a daily basis. While it is true that a staggering majority of people spend numerous hours per day using their gadgets, such as laptops and smartphones, it does not mean that is has become impossible to get their attention. With the abundance of materials available online, people have become pickier in choosing what to spend their time on.

This opens up space for a whole new level of competition between marketing agencies. The selectiveness of people has brought about new creative ways of advertising products and services, such as video ads. Video ads have also helped businesses of all kinds increase their clients’ understanding of their products, and as a result, boosting their sales rates. Videos are used by companies of various scales – large conglomerates and small local businesses, covering a wide range of industries. In most recent times, video ads have been integrated into the financial sector and, according to the IQ Option review, even some Forex brokers have increased their use of this type of marketing.

From the one hand, it is technically quite easy and cost-effective to create videos. From the other hand, however, it takes a lot of creativity and interesting ideas to create videos that will have a lasting impression on the target group of the company. We decided to outline a few trends that are either popular now or are going to gain popularity in the near future. Taking these trends into consideration will ease the task of marketers to create impressive video ads.

360 Degree Videos

One of the main purposes of creating video ads, especially if the company involved is a shop or a restaurant, is to show the atmosphere at your place. The video must illustrate the feeling that the customer will get if she comes to visit your place. Since the pace of life has grown immensely over the last couple of decades, people no more have enough time to go and check physically the cafes and coffee shops they are interested in. However, you can get a few minutes of their attention while they are browsing the News Feed on their mobile phones. If you create a high-quality video showing just how cozy your place is – congratulations, you’ll have new customers!

Questions & Answers Sessions

Recently growing in popularity, this trend is another great way to improve your potential customers’ image of your product or service. Sometimes called “Ask Me Anything” instead, these questions & answers sessions are a great way to build a connection with your customer. Especially for various online companies (such as flower delivery services or trading platforms), it will provide your customers with what your type of business lacks in substance – a personal interaction. For many customers, it is important to see the actual people behind a business before they can trust it enough to order some product on their website. An additional plus of these types of videos is that you can get instant feedback from your customers with the use of comments section.

Videos adapted to mobile devices

Various social media remain the most common space to use your video ads. Many users spend a lot of time on their Facebook, Twitter or Instagram pages using smartphones. Thus it is very important to take into consideration people who will view your video on a small screen. There are many aspects to consider:

  • The proportions of the video. Most common ones for mobile adapted videos are square-shaped videos or ones with a portrait layout.
  • Subtitles. Many users browse on their phones while in public, while not many of them have earphones plugged in. Thus some people will see your video without a voice. If there is any substantial information being passed with a voice in your video, it might be worth putting it in subtitles too.
  • Minimalism in pictures. Since people watching your videos are looking at a relatively small screen, it’s better to focus on a few objects in each frame, with these objects being quite close to the camera. Otherwise, people might not see little details scattered around the screen in the background.
  • The length of the videos. Most of your viewers in social media will not spend more than one minute watching your video. In most cases, you will need to hook their attention in the first 10 or 20 seconds even. Thus try to put your message into a one-minute-video. If you cannot do it, try to squeeze the main message of a longer video into the first 60 seconds.

Educational videos

Even if the core purpose of your video is to promote your own product, it would be great if you can also provide the viewer with a piece of valuable information. For instance, if you are a little local shop offering organic smoothies, it might be good to create a series of videos about healthy food or natural products in general. You can also share more specific pieces of information in your videos – such as where you get your own fresh fruit and vegetables from.

Virtual Reality videos

While virtual reality videos might not be available to many companies yet, we believe that it will gain popularity in the next year or two. People love dipping into alternative realities. Imagine if a tourist company created a video where viewers could actually see what it feels like to be on a sunny beach! Certainly, it would be easier for them to persuade potential customers to get the travel package with this type of videos, rather than a conventional advertisement with 2D pictures.

The post Video Trends That Will Have a Lasting Influence appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.


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