Monday 30 September 2019

Technologies That Will Make Your Business More Successful

For any business, effective communication is the key to success. The internet has made the world a village by connecting millions of people. For your business, this is both a bad and a good thing.

Good because of the millions of potential clients you could reach. It is unfortunate because this means you need to invest in better communication infrastructure and find ways to beat all the competing businesses. 

The key to effective communication is using the best business tools to help you save both time and money in every operation. When you are using outdated tools, you may not be able to attract or retain as many customers as you would with the latest ones. Here are some of the technologies that your business needs to incorporate in operation to go into the next level of success.

1. Phone Systems

Business phone systems are crucial for communication both within and outside the company grounds. In the past, people would rely on telephones and faxes. While these accomplished their purpose, they consumed a lot of space and often led to duplication. For instance, it was easy for one office to have two phones because of overlaps. These were also expensive to use and maintain.

Today, however, VOIP systems have made communication more comfortable and faster. There is also fewer chances of duplication of numbers. These allow for a single phone number to be used by all departments within the office.

These also reduce the calls on local and international calls. Requests are made over the internet. Depending on the provider, you will also enjoy a variety of features that will streamline the communication and allow you a higher level of control.

A great example is how efficiently and seamlessly three-way calling, call forwarding, conference calling, and voicemail transcriptions are done.

2. Cloud Storage

This is yet another way to eliminate any storage problems your business may have had in the past. It is a significant technology trend that is helping both small and big companies.

Considering the amount of data that will be sent and received throughout the life of your business, you need to have records. These cloud storage companies have multiple servers that store your data in a virtual environment where it is safe and easily accessible. The said data can be accessed from anywhere at any time.

If you are out of the office, you will still have access to any data that is being entered in real-time. This way, you remain productive by accessing all this information on the tablet or phone. Like with all other services, you need to analyze what the company is offering in their package carefully.

3. Business-Class Email

Sending emails to all the people in your contact list is not easy. It is also true that while the personal email accounts can cover the basics, they lack most of the features a business needs to reach as many people as possible.

In this era where 40% of sales are as a result of email marketing, your business needs an excellent forum for sending and tracking the success rate of these emails.

Business emails are also more professional because they contain both the names of the person submitting the email and the name of the business.

There is also improved security with these emails because the risks of malware, viruses, and spam are reduced. Unlike with personal emails, these ones give you more storage space, a feature that is always welcomed by most businesses.

4. IT Services

Technology has made it almost impossible for companies without websites and an online presence to get customers. Today, 60% of shoppers say that they first look at a product online before they buy it. This means that you have a more substantial potential of increasing your business’ reach if you have a website.

Since technology is always changing, you need a group of people who will help your site and business procedures to evolve with technology.


The growth of a business is natural if these tools support you. They make your marketing tactics more effective. These also reduce the costs and time taken to complete specific business procedures. It increases customer satisfaction and returns to consumers.

The post Technologies That Will Make Your Business More Successful appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.


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