Friday 6 September 2019

Web Design Psychology: Hacking Into Customer Experience With Art And Science

Getting into the minds of your customers is never an easy task. You have to figure out many different ways you can gain an advantage over the competitors while simultaneously appealing to people who often time have very dissimilar or even disparate personas. That’s why psychology can be regarded as both science and the art, at the same time. 

On the other hand, there are also certain patterns in our behavior that are easily recognizable and hence these can be exploited. Just like with any other business or activity, knowing ’the psychology of the masses’ puts you in a better starting position. Web design psychology is becoming increasingly important these days since we tend to spend more and more time online. That’s why we wanted to explore some tips and tricks and show you the ins and outs of the customer experience. This way you’ll be able to sell your product or advertise your brand better, and you’ll always be ahead of the pack when it comes to mastering the UX.

Target Your Audience

One of the first things you want to do when promoting your brand or services is targeting your audience and customers. It’s completely understandable that you want everyone to buy your product, but you have to be realistic here and don’t fall into the trap of trying to persuade each and every individual that you, and on one else out there, can provide them with everything they need.

This only shows people that you actually don’t understand how things work, and that you’re not as advanced in regards to ’reading’ what people want and desire. The human psyche is extremely complex, and you can’t behave like you’re the one who knows everything about everyone. Now, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be ambitious or shoot both for the moon and the stars, but you simply have to recognize who’s going to buy your product or use your services first.

Once you do some thorough research and find out who your target audience is, you can start utilizing other tricks in the book and making the most out of the web design.

Build the Trust and Make the Customers Feel at Home

Before we move onto the visual impact of your website, it’s extremely important to first try to build that trusting bond or a relationship with your customers. The website layout plays huge importance here, but ideally, you’d want to know as much as possible about the potential buyers even before the website is up and running and establish a certain connection with them.

After you’ve learned who your target audience actually is, it’s paramount that you use this data to your advantage when making the website. For instance, if you expect your typical customers to be millennials from Australia, you’d want to adjust everything so that they can easily relate to the style, typography, images, and other content that you put out there.

Aesthetic Appeal

Speaking of things like font style, concise content, color palette, different hues, and shades, paying attention to the visuals of your website is probably the most crucial aspect of web design psychology. You simply can’t afford to leave a bad visual impact on your future customers. 

Given the fact that most people form their opinions about the website in the first couple of minutes (sometimes even less) of scrolling through the pages, you know how much is at stake here. That’s why we’d recommend you to always aim for some of the well-proven options on the market and highly professional people concerned with web design in Sydney. For example, a huge part of making your brand recognizable will be connected to the so-called ’color psychology’ in web design. That means that you should follow some of the guides which tell you exactly what color you ought to use depending on the type of business you’re into.

Make Sure to Always Generate Good Content

After you’ve made sure you have a strong aesthetic appeal, now it’s time to focus on the type of content you’re generating. It’s great to have a good-looking layout that your target audience loves, but unfortunately, this isn’t enough. You really need to focus on delivering and using a well-placed, concise content. This means that things should be direct and on point. 

On top of this, you should definitely avoid using stock images whenever possible because generic stuff can often time leave a somewhat bad impression on viewers. Instead, you should aim for images that speak directly to the audience and are customized for their age group, gender, and overall interests. You want both your content and images to be welcoming and inviting – that’s why you should have images where a person is facing the viewer, for example.

Be Consistent and Customer-oriented

Some of the other things you can do to improve your website layout are to be consistent and customer-oriented. Creating a comfortable experience with format and design is not the easiest thing in the world, and that’s why you need to make sure you’re doing everything in your power to follow some of the tips and tricks that we’re trying to reveal here.

Things like visual hierarchy, giving every page a focus, or not overcomplicating the website can mean a huge difference. Creating a distinct pattern and having unique elements that focus customer’s attention all show that you’re customer-oriented. Sometimes you need more than words to show that you actually care about their overall experience with your product, brand, or a service, and that’s where web design psychology kicks in.

The Bottom Line

Web design psychology is a rather powerful weapon and shouldn’t be disregarded at any cost. Whether you’re just starting off, or you’re a seasoned veteran in your field of business, we’d strongly recommend you to follow some of the guidelines we’ve mentioned in this article. This part-science, part-art is definitely on the rise, and more and more people are becoming actively engaged in working out how to improve in these areas. 

Even though web design psychology and UX are relatively new and yet to be further explored and researched, there are many things from the past experiences that we can implement and make work in this field as well.

The post Web Design Psychology: Hacking Into Customer Experience With Art And Science appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.


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