Thursday, 7 November 2019

9 Benefits Of Mentorship You Need to Know Today – It Can Boost Your Business Success

“A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you than you see in yourself and helps bring it out of you,”. Bob Proctor

Do you know how much you can benefit from mentorship? Or like most of the millennials, are you also convinced that you don’t need a mentor?

Why would you pay a person for the same information available for free online? Do you support the point? 

Before you make any conclusion, I want you to answer some questions. Are you getting the best out of what you are consuming from the free web?  Are you able to scale up your business by reading and watching free content?  

I’m not saying you’ll not be successful without a mentor. But hiring a mentor can speed the process. 

When you follow the footsteps of a person who had already walked the path. You are 90% free from making mistakes. You will reach your goals sooner and you will be confident in every task you do.

Why is mentoring important?

Whether you are an established professional or a business owner or a newbie. Having a person who knows the pros and cons will save you lots of time and money. A mentor can increase the success of your business

Your journey will be smoother than a person without a mentor. You will have the courage to tackle any problem as you have an expert with you.

A journey is more easy with a person who had walked the path before. How easy will it be to look up to a person when you feel lost or when you don’t find the courage to move forward?

Every successful person has one thing in common: Mentor.

Here are 9 benefits of mentorship you need to know today. 

1. The First Benefit of Mentorship Is You Get a Road Map to Follow

Each individual and business has its own unique way of solving the problems. The Internet has lots of information from millions of people. They will tempt you to try every advice and suggestion, and that might be the reason for your slow business progress.

To reach a particular destination, follow the path that leads to the destination. Changing the road often will lead you nowhere. You should follow a proven road map to reach your destination faster.

Mentors had been where you want to be. They will give you the road map they had walked. They will guide you in every step. You only need to follow the instruction with patience.

2. You Recognize Your Strength and Weaknesses

Most of the time, you might have disregarded your strength because of your self-doubt. You may doubt your skills and expertise, which is normal.

Nobody is perfect! Every individual has a self-doubt problem. That’s why we should take the benefits of mentorship. 

You may doubt that you’re not good at decision making or tackling problems. You may have the right knowledge and skills needed, but the only problem could be you’re not able to channel your expertise.

Sometimes outside people know more about us than we know about ourselves. A mentor can help you figure out your strengths and weaknesses. They can guide you on what you should work more and what you should avoid.

Mentors are industry experts. When you hire a mentor for yourself or your business, they can plan a strategic prototype for you. They can tell what is good and bad for you and for your business.

3. You Receive Honest Feedback

What can be more valuable than honest feedback?

You might ask your friends and family members to give feedback. But sometimes you might not get honest feedback because they don’t want to hurt you.

Every teacher wants their students to excel in the subject they are teaching. They love to see them succeed. You will always get honest feedback from your mentor. He / She will spot where you’re lacking and will give you tips on how to fix it.  

4. You Get Exposed to New Opportunities

Another good benefit of mentorship is that you get exposed to new opportunities. Mentors are experts and experienced people in the industry. They have lots of contacts.  They know how and where to find opportunities.

A mentor can help you tap the perfect opportunity. They can also teach you when and how to look for opportunities?

Having a mentor will not only boost your business but you can also expand your business. You can dominate the industry having the right knowledge about the industry opportunities.

5.  Motivate, Inspire And Increase Your self-confidence

How does a person become a mentor? To become a mentor, having a good knowledge of the industry is not enough. They should also be able to teach.

Mentors know how to motivate and build self-confidence in a person. They create boundaries that you cannot set for yourselves. They will push you beyond limits and out of your comfort zone.

They will inspire you. They will make you do things that you always fear doing. Motivation, inspiration, and self-confidence are some elements you need to succeed in any industry.

6. Your Goals Become Clearer

You can achieve nothing in this world without a clear goal. Don’t expect to excel in your industry without setting goals. 

Having a primary goal is important. Discussing your primary goal with your mentor can make things easier. They can help you identify urgent and important short-term goals to achieve long-term goals.

There are many proven ways to scale your business. You can also discuss how to prioritize your tasks. How can you create and achieve short-term goals and long-term goals? As per your goals and need, the mentor will create strategies for you. 

7. You Get Answers to All The Questions

Every one of us gets stuck in our life at one point. There will be questions which you cannot answer and there will be problems which you cannot solve.

A mentor is the best person who can give you a practical answer and solve your problem. They will give you the information and knowledge you need to solve the problem.

Not having enough knowledge may cause you time and money. There will be days when you will be confused about making a strategic decision.

This is where the mentor comes into play. Once you gain the information, you will not only speed your progress. You also save lots of time in the learning phase.

8. Mentors Will Make You Professional

You will need the latest information and the latest business inventions to advance in any field.

Mentors are experts in their industry and they are far ahead of you. They have first-hand news and information about the industry.

Working with a mentor will keep you updated with the latest information. They will guide you in the right direction to do your own research for further understanding. Mentor has lots of techniques to make you a winner

With the latest information, you stay ahead in the industry. You look more professional and expert in your field.

9. Support You Emotionally

Talk to an accountant about writing. Maybe he will not value writing as much he values accounting.

Passionate people are emotionally attached to their work. You might have the same emotional connection with your work. 

People get more support from peoples in the same industry”.

Mentors will support you emotionally. They know the industry and will value your ideas and work. Your mentor will be the first person to give you feedback and appreciate your work. That’s the benefit of mentorship. 


There is no rule that you have to have a mentor anyhow. It’s up to you how you handle your life or your business.

But, if you want to advance quicker with a proven road map, you will need a mentor.

You will waste time if you try to figure out things on your own.

Mentor will help you create a step-by-step process. You will be able to track your progress more accurately. You will have a person by your side to guide and help you.

I had only listed 9 benefits of mentorship, but there are more which you will learn when you work with the mentor.

Do you have a solid business idea? Or are you a business owner who wants to scale up your business? Mentors can help you. 

If you think you don’t need a mentor. We will love to hear your opinion about why you don’t need a mentor?

Business Mentor – DepositPhotos

The post 9 Benefits Of Mentorship You Need to Know Today – It Can Boost Your Business Success appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.


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