The process of using the telephone to generate leads is called telemarketing. It also makes sales or collects information about marketing. Telemarketing is actually an important tool for business. It can save time and money as compared to having direct contact with consumers. Especially if the location of the business is hard-to-reach. The telemarketing industry has been working hand in hand with businesses. This is to achieve marketing goals.
There are four types of telemarketing that can help you with. Choosing the wrong approach may lead to the downfall of your business. And we know that you don’t want this to happen. So understanding each of telemarketing and its function is important. And it will greatly benefit your business too.
Different Types of Telemarketing
1. Inbound Telemarketing
It consists of receiving incoming telephone calls from costumers. It is often generated by broadcast advertising. This will be through social media, email marketing or direct marketing. The goal of inbound telemarketing is to take orders for a wide variety of products from consumers. In short, inbound telemarketing is being initiated by the customer. This allows them to contact the company so it is very important that they are being handled well. According to studies, customers will even pay more for good customer service. And since they are the ones reaching you through inbound calls, this gives you the opportunity to make them feel valued.
The best example of this is when you saw an advertisement on facebook about a service that you are interested in. You wanted to learn more about that service and all you have to do is to call the number on the commercial. An inbound telemarketer will then accept your call. This type of marketing strategy is actually more profitable. This is because the customers are already showing interest in calling. It can entail more customer relationship management (CRM) tools and strategies. And with the help of professional and well-trained agents, inbound telemarketing can help you towards success.
2. Outbound Telemarketing
Contrary to inbound telemarketing, outbound telemarketing initiates calls. For a successful outbound sales campaign, Outbound agents generally require more training and product knowledge. This is because they are more involved in the actual selling of the product. The operator in this industry works on a cold prospect list. This type of call is actually called cold calling. The reason behind this is that prospects still don’t have any idea about the product or brand that is going to be introduced. So it is very important that the agent is knowledgeable about the product. They must know how to market a specific product or service to consumers.
An example of an outbound telemarketer is when your local internet provider has the latest upgrade. And you still have no idea about it. Then an outbound telemarketer will call you and introduce you to the new service they have. The main role of the agent is to raise awareness about the product or services that a business offers. Convincing consumers to avail of the service is also part of their marketing strategy. The proactive sales approach is what this strategy is all about.
3. B2B Telemarketing
B2B telemarketing is all about using calling as a channel. This is for business to business transactions. It is either to sell or to build linkage between two companies. B2B telemarketing can help you in finding the right people to have as costumers. Like the outbound telemarketing, it enables you to raise awareness about your brand. It can also direct your business to new opportunities. This can help you grow and build credibility among existing and future clients.
B2B telemarketing industry requires experienced and professional agents. It is because B2B telemarketers engage in interactions that allow them to become a good decision-maker. They generally handle subject matter with full expertise. Discussion on solutions is a top priority. This is an effective method for getting more business opportunities in B2B. And if the first call is being handled well, it can be the first step to an effective sales process.
4. B2C Telemarketing
B2C telemarketing targets the direct consumer. These consumers potentially show interest in the product or service. This type of telemarketing is product-driven as the agents deal directly with the customers or end-users. It is almost the same as the outbound telemarketing. The sales of the company depend on the telemarketer that handles the outbound calls.
B2C is a transaction-based industry that involves a single-step buying and selling process. This type of telemarketing is actually a great way of bringing more clients. This is by informing them about the product and services of a company. Outbound and B2C telemarketing do not wait for consumers to make a call. They proactively start the call to customers. And then they strategically market the product. Competition exists in the corporate world. And it is becoming hard for businesses to achieve goals. But with the help of B2C, even small and growing business can perform well amidst the competition.
Why is Telemarketing Important in Business?
We are now in the digital age. Technology now provides a wide range of marketing options for your business. Understanding each option will guide you in choosing the best strategy. Telemarketing is an important tool in every business. This is even truer for those kinds of industry that belongs to a competitive environment. Knowing what your company needs will help you in reaching goals and milestones. There is no better and efficient way of reaching consumers than telemarketing. All you have to do is to get familiar with the kind of industry you are in. And choose the type of telemarketing that your business needs.
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