A good business is all about the people that make it happen. Even though the numbers are important, six zeros at the end of the month don’t happen by chance. People make it happen. People who are engaged, determined, and hard-working.
Every employer has this kind of people keeping the company on track. There are many strategies to keep their interest in working for you, but one of the important things you need to know is what makes good employees quit their jobs. Preventing is easier to do than fixing a problem. Once you have mastered this skill you will be able to take pride in your professional team.
A good salesperson, for example, can sell travel wheelchairs to a person who doesn’t have any walking problem and although we all know that this kind of employee is a great asset for a company, there is a small problem here, that sometimes managers don’t know how to keep them.
So, what are the main reasons people leave their jobs? Here are some answers to your question.
1. Lack of trust
Great leaders have one thing in common: they never lie to their employees. Once you have lied to your staff, prepare for a hurricane to come. Either they spot the lie or they hear about it from another colleague, both ways you can never have their trust back.
A good professional knows he is doing as much as he can to keep your business going, so when he feels like he’s being lied to, he won’t feel at ease and will soon start looking for another job.
2. Not feeling utilized to their potential
Keeping the pulse of your team is important when trying to keep up a good performance. Often managers don’t see the skills and hard-working capacity an employee has and often, because of their failure to observe good performance and potential, they tend not to engage that person into exciting work.
A hard-working person tends to be determined to get better when they do work suited for their performance and knowledge level. And if you don’t use all of their potential, if you give them only easy chores, they won’t feel appreciated and won’t feel like they are growing. And that may cause them to look for opportunities to do that somewhere else.
3. Feeling over-stressed
Another mistake that managers make is overloading their best workers with more and more stuff to do only because they see them capable to do it and because they are doing a great job. This might be rewarding in the short term, but in the long run, it will lead your employers to burn-out.
The same goes for over-stressing them when making them work with the wrong people. It is always a good idea to build your teams in such a way that they are compatible when working together. If not, a lot of tension will build up and the productivity will decrease and your good employees will start to wonder if they couldn’t do their job better in another company.
4. Other good employees leaving
Let’s be fair, even if in an ideal world people would only look at what happens to them, in real life things a slightly different. We always tend to look over the fence. In a company that has good employees leaving their job, you can not wonder why they do that.
If you would see that, you might ask yourself an important question: if they are good at what they do, they surely are appreciated by their boss, have a good position inside the company and have a good salary; so if they are appreciated, what was the problem?
Seeing a person you can relate to and who you respect quitting, makes you think that they surely had a good reason for doing so and you start losing your trust in the company values.
Final thoughts
We all know it’s hard to keep up a good business, and sometimes it can be overwhelming. But taking care of your employees is a good practice to grow and build a company culture. Try to observe your employees more and appreciate them so that, after 20 years, at least one of them will be able to say that he spent his life building a company that he is not willing to let go of.
The post What Determines Good Employees to Quit Their Job appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.
source https://tweakyourbiz.com/business/employee-performance-reviews/good-employees-leave
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