Tuesday 28 January 2020

Best Tricks to Increase Instagram Followers

Do you want to get famous on Instagram?

Are you searching for the latest tricks which will yield you a lot of new Instagram followers?

There’s no denying that we all want to learn those tricks and hacks which will give us new followers on Instagram every day. To get real Instagram followers fast you should see how can you get instagram followers from BuyTrueFollowers.

Trick 1 – Mass Follow and Unfollow

This is a time-consuming task, but the results are great. Mass following significantly increases the number of followers and that too fast. You must search for profiles that are like your profile. Then open their latest posts and follow people who have liked or commented on the posts. A lot of those people will start to follow you when they see your profile. But after some time, you need to unfollow them as well. You can do this straight away or after one or two days as you like.

Trick 2 – Post Every Day at Peak Posting Times

You must be active on Instagram and post regularly. You should post a minimum of one photo or video per day. You also need to consider the peak posting times. Not a lot of people consider this when they post a picture. Do research on what time most people will see your post and make a schedule of sharing posts during that time period. This will maximize the reach of your posts.

Trick 3 – Use Popular Hashtags and Relevant Keywords

Hashtags are an amazing tool. You can find the people who might be interested in your content by searching the right hashtags and engaging with them. You can also simply use those hashtags in your posts and wait for people to find you and follow you. Hashtags increase the visibility of your posts so that more people will find them. There are some hashtags that are specifically used for likes and follows. InternetMarketingRocks uses extensive research on hashtags and relevant keywords and help you gain more followers on Instagram.

Trick 4 – Geotag Your Photos

Add your location to your photos whenever you post it. It is a great way to expand your reach in the local community you are based in. Geotagging pushes your posts to the feeds of people living in those specific locations. This increases the chance of people finding your page and following it for the long run. People tend to follow the profile of someone of their community more often.

Trick 5 – Tag Other People in Your Photos

There can be many reasons for tagging someone in your post. Maybe they are in your picture or something related to them is present in your picture. You can even tag someone if you think they might like your post. There are practically no boundaries to this. You can tag feature accounts of your niche which might share your post and you get some new pair of eyes watching your post through them.

Trick 6 – Engage With Your Followers

This is a simple trick but is very useful. You can engage with your followers in many different ways. You can come up with your own way of interacting with them. You can like, comment or share their post if you like it. Talk to them on comment replies or direct messages. Come live when you have some free time.

Trick 7 – Re-Create What Has Worked Best in the Best

Always look closely at your analytics. Look for the posts which perform better than the other posts. Try to find the reason why it performed so well. Create new posts based on a similar theme that got that post so viral. You don’t have to repeat this strategy repeatedly. Mix and match with over new things. Keep experimenting to find the things that work the most.

Hope these tricks will help you gain more followers.

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The post Best Tricks to Increase Instagram Followers appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.

source https://tweakyourbiz.com/marketing/social-media-marketing/instagram-follower-tricks

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