Wednesday, 15 January 2020

Tips For Sealing Business Deals On The Golf Course

Conducting a sales pitch or business meeting on a golf course is an age-old, cherished tradition. A local golf professional – Ernie Rose Golf is the perfect place to get some time with a potential business partner or client to give you a few hours to talk, and it’s a great way to bond, build relationships. Keep in mind that when conducting a business meeting while playing golf, there are some rules that come into play. For a successful time, Ernie Rose Golf offers these tips for a great business meeting on a golf course:

Remember It’s Business

Golf is fun, relaxed, and casual. It is important that you keep your true goal in sight – not making a hole-in-one. You want to make a connection, establish a relationship, and, ultimately close the deal with a potential client.

It’s Not All Business

This may seem counterintuitive compared to the first point. You want to remain focused on your intentions, but at the same time, you don’t want to talk about all business. Holding a business meeting on a golf course is to lighten the mood and get to know the person a little more intimately.  Relax, enjoy the game, and show your character. A general rule of thumb: don’t talk business before the 5th hole or after the 15th hole. You are going for a long-term client relationship.

Play To Your Ability

It’s the most common question: to win, or not to win. Play to your ability. Gauge how intense your partner is about the game. If you decide to play a match, use the handicap system to establish even ground. Intentionally tanking the round can be insulting to a potential client. A downright sandbagging can be even worse.

Save The Beer For Buddies

This is a potential business deal. Save the drinking for weekend outings with your buddies. Drinking may lead to shenanigans, slow play, or even injury. Don’t risk losing a potential client to something that can be easily avoided.

Golf Etiquette Rules

One of the most appealing reasons you’ll conduct a client meeting on a golf course is because it gives everyone ample time to get everything out on the table. Follow these general rules for a successful business meeting.

  • Follow the rules of golf etiquette even if your partners do not
  • Arrive early for your tee time
  • Play to pace (most courses require  4.5 hours for 18 holes).
  • No phone calls
  • Know when it’s your turn to hit a shot
  • Don’t walk across another player’s putting line
  • Don’t take too long to hit your shots
  • Follow the course’s dress code (call ahead if you are not sure)

Talk At The Right Moments

The golden rule of golf: don’t talk during somebody’s backswing. You may or may not realize it’s standard golf etiquette, you still need to know when and when not to talk. The golf cart is usually the best time to talk on a golf course. While on the course, stay away from talking on the green and at tee-off. This will also allow for the pace to remain steady, everyone to focus on their game.

Create A Reason To See Each Other Again

If you don’t feel like you have to have everything wrapped up by the end of the round. Sign your scorecard before you worry about signing a deal. Create a sense of connection by starting an inside joke between the two of you. Create a reason for you and your potential partner to see each other again.


golf ball -DepositPhotos

The post Tips For Sealing Business Deals On The Golf Course appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.


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