Monday 24 February 2020

How to Practice Workplace Wellness When You’re Self-Employed

Your working style has a major impact on your health and well-being. For business owners and entrepreneurs, the responsibility of running a commercial organization can certainly take its toll. By practicing workplace wellness, self-employed workers can minimize the risk of burnout and enhance their well-being. 

If you work for yourself, or you run a company, it’s important to prioritize your physical and mental health. To find out how, take a look at these top tips for boosting workplace wellness when you’re self-employed.

1. Workplace Yoga

Before you began working for yourself, you probably thought your new flexible schedule would give you plenty of time to exercise. In reality, however, being self-employed can mean working long hours. If you’re unable to fit a trip to the gym, a morning jog, or even a brisk walk into your schedule, your health could be suffering.

Furthermore, workers who routinely use computers or sit at a desk can experience posture problems, such as backaches and neck pain. By practicing workplace yoga, you can incorporate low-impact exercise into your day-to-day routine. As well as helping you physically, yoga can help to reduce stress and anxiety too, so it’s an ideal way to cope with the mental and physical stress of being self-employed. 

2. Get Enough Sleep

Most people don’t get enough sleep and business owners certainly draw the short straw when it comes to making time for rest and relaxation. Without a decent night’s sleep, you can experience a whole range of health issues, including fatigue, headaches, forgetfulness and poor concentration. 

When you implement a better sleep schedule, you’ll find it has a significant impact on your mood, well-being and workplace performance. However, it isn’t just sleeping for longer that’s important. 

The quality of your sleep is critical to enhancing your well-being. A comfortable mattress can make a big difference to your quality of sleep. If you’re waking up feeling sluggish or experiencing aches and pains, it could be due to your mattress. Investing in a new mattress could be the fastest way to enhance your sleep quality and improve your well-being at home and work. 

3. Build a Network

Depending on your business or specialism, you may spend a lot of time working alone. Although many people enjoy working solo, it can have a negative impact on your well-being in the long-term. Often associated with feelings of isolation, being self-employed can leave you feeling disconnected. 

To prevent this, it can be beneficial to build a professional network. By attending industry-related trade shows and exhibitions, for example, you can network with other people in your sector and promote your business.

Similarly, scheduling face-to-face or even video meetings, rather than conference calls, gives you the opportunity to interact with others in a more meaningful way. With plenty of online platforms aimed at self-employed business owners, there are numerous ways to increase your network without taking up too much of your time. 

Why Is Workplace Wellness Important?

Many people experience health problems because of their working environment. Whether you’re feeling the strain of running a business or working with an unsupportive team; your workplace can affect your well-being in many ways. 

As a result, your workplace performance can be affected. If you’re feeling unwell or emotionally drained, your productivity and motivation will drop. By tackling workplace wellness, you can enhance your physical and mental health, while also boosting your own success at work. 

When you’re self-employed, it’s important to be at the top of your game. By putting your health first and implementing a workplace wellness strategy, you can enhance every aspect of your life.

The post How to Practice Workplace Wellness When You’re Self-Employed appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.


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