Monday, 4 May 2020

How to Write an Engaging eBook from Start to End

You want to write an engaging eBook, but where do you start and how do you make a good finish. Do you feel like you’re in over your head with this eBook writing thing? As someone who has never written an eBook before, feeling like you’ve too much on your plate is perfectly normal.

How can you lighten your burden? You’ve got two options – assign the task to professional eBook writers or learn to write an engaging eBook from start to end. Even if you choose to hire an eBook writer, you can always benefit from knowing how to write engaging content to engage readers.

We’ll tell you how you can write an engaging eBook. Take notes!

Hook Your Readers with a Hook

book reading

A hook reels the reader in, grabbing and holding their attention and enticing them to read further. When you’re writing a hook, ask yourself three questions:  Who are your readers? What’s important to your readers? What news is currently trending?

There are seven types of hooks that you can use to start your eBook.

Interesting Question

  • Ask a question related to your subject
  • Ensure it’s a question that prompts your reader further for the answer

Strong Statement Hook

  • Write a sentence or a paragraph that makes an assertive claim about your subject
  • Ensure the statement connects to your subject

Fact and Statistic Hook

  • Begin your eBook with a statistic or fact about your subject

Metaphor or Simile Hook

  • Use a metaphor to connect your subject with something else
  • Use a simile to connect your subject with something else

Story Hook

  • Start your eBook with a short story that connects to your subject
  • Ensure the story is relevant to your subject

Description Hook

  • Write a vivid description of a setting or a situation that attracts your readers into reading more
  • Connect your description hook to the entire eBook

Quotation Hook

  • Start your eBook with a striking and powerful and/or meaningful quote
  • Quote the author’s words directly
  • You can use a quote from a well-known personality or an anonymous person
  • Ensure the quote is relevant to your subject

Show Readers Their Pain and Be Their Solution

“You’re trapped in the four walls of your room. Each time you reach for the door, it goes further away from you. You feel demotivated. Nothing makes sense. Your life is unraveling before your eyes, and you’re letting it. But don’t raise the white flag just yet. Don’t surrender to your demons. We’re here to give you an amazing opportunity to live your best life. Get up and focus. With our tips on how to lift your spirit and conquer your fears, you’ll make the door come to you.”

This is a good example of an opening paragraph from a self-help eBook. Your words showed your readers their pain, and then you told them how your eBook could help them become a better and stronger version of themselves. Whatever the subject of your eBook is, you need to show your readers their pain and tell them how you can solve their pain.

An Open Loop Loops in Your Readers

An open-loop states the problem or asks a question that your eBook solves or answers. A loop closes when the reader downloads or buys your eBook. An open loop is like a tester being given out at a store. You take a cookie, and if you like it, you buy them.

An open-loop does the same. It gives readers a little taste of what to expect to find in your eBook if they read it. You don’t reveal everything in the open-loop but leave a little mystery.


Suppose you publish an email newsletter for your business. If a customer subscribes to it, then you can send them an email with an open loop, encouraging them to get your eBook. An engaging open loop builds their expectation on what to expect from the eBook, prompting them to think if the loop can be this engaging, then the content must be amazing.

Put Yourself in the Reader’s Shoes

To write engaging content, you need to put yourself in your reader’s shoes. The words, writing style, and the information being presented depend on who your reader is.

  • Are you writing for the tech industry or the creative industry?
  • Is your target audience well-versed on the subject you’re writing on?
  • If they are, is there something new you’re giving them?
  • Are you teaching your readers something?

You need to ask these and similar questions before you write your eBook. This will help you get the tone of the eBook right. For instance, if your readers are experts in their industry, writing as if they don’t know anything will not engage them to read any further. Instead, you want to give them the benefit of the doubt that they know what this and that is and give them information that will enhance their knowledge.

Create an Interesting Title to Generate Interest

You see several books. You browse through them until a title catches your attention, and you pick it up to read what it’s about. You may have planned to sell your eBook. You may have decided to let readers download the eBook for free via your website against some basic contact information. However, without a catchy title, neither will happen.


The author caught the attention of readers, who were searching for ways to keep themselves busy at home, by creating a catchy title and subtitle. The title of the book communicated to them that it has solutions to their problem.

Writing an eBook Requires Time, Money, and Skill – Do You Have All Three?

We’ve given you the recipe for writing an engaging eBook, but it will still be a challenge if you can’t take time out for it, can’t hire in-house writers, and can’t churn an engaging eBook to market and sell within a few weeks.

With 73% of businesses outsourcing eBook writing to experienced eBook writers, why don’t you do the same? These businesses that hired professional eBook writers saw 6x higher conversion rates. Find out if you should go down the same route by answering these five questions:

  • Can you handle the increased output of consistently writing and publishing eBooks throughout the year?
  • Does the thought of sitting down to write an eBook excite or exhaust you?
  • Do you think you have the knowledge required to write an engaging eBook?
  • Do you feel you have all the sources and skills needed to create an eBook?
  • Do you have enough time to make eBook writing your top priority?

If you answer “no” to one or more questions, you should head in the direction of hiring professional eBook writers for whom writing an eBook is their bread and butter. It’s their main source of earning, which means you’ll get an engaging and well-written eBook.

You can place more orders for eBooks to market and publish them with more consistency. Since you’re outsourcing writing, you’ll find it more affordable than creating an in-house team of writers. Keep these points in mind not just for writing eBooks, but other types of content as well.

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The post How to Write an Engaging eBook from Start to End appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.


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