Monday 29 June 2020

8 Fantastic Social Media Tactics That Can Help Your Business Grow

Social media marketing has high power. It can skyrocket the reach of any product or service within a limited period. It is one of the most effective marketing tools in the hand of business managers.

But there’s a catch. You must know how to wield this marketing tool to your advantage. In this article, we will share some social media tactics with you.

Craft Your Content Meticulously

I know it may sound cliché, but even after so many years, content is still the king. So make sure that the content you publish is as creative and fresh as possible.

If you are posting just for the sake of being consistent, then you need to reevaluate your marketing strategy. Pay attention to whatever you post on your social media.

It can be an eye-catching infographic, a blog post giving insight into your business, the latest news about your industry, or some shocking discovery. Either way, strive to post content that makes your followers stop at your page and spend a few minutes engaging with your content.

You will be able to scale the ladder of success only through posting original, unique, and engaging content.

Optimize Your Content According to Different Social Sites

If you think that the same content works for all social sites, then you are mistaken. Each networking site serves a different purpose. You need to understand them before publishing content on any social media platform.

Let’s look at some social sites and what you can share on them.


Visual content works the best on this platform. Long posts don’t work well here. Tell a story in fewer words accompanied by a catchy picture or short video.


It is an ideal platform for sharing the latest news and entertainment-related content. Although every type of content gets shared on Facebook, video posts get maximum engagement. Unlike Instagram, you can tell long stories just like Humans of New York.


This social platform connects people and allows them to share their thoughts with a broader audience. You can share industry news, ask questions to your audience, and make announcements regarding your brand using Twitter.


It is a social bookmarking site ruled by highly visual content. You can display your full range of products and services via Pinterest.

Rule out the social networking sites that won’t do much for your business after that make a strategy of what and when you are going to post content.

 Stay Active on Your Social Media Channels

Only having a social presence is not enough for the success of any business online. For your social media marketing to be effective, you need to provide engaging, fascinating, and entertaining content to your followers and be consistent in doing so.

Staying active on social media will help you increase your follower and gain their trust. Here are a few tips to help you stay active:

  • Schedule your content for social posting
  • Make use of automation tools to save time and energy.
  • Give priority to those social sites that your potential clients use.
  • Repurpose the content of your old newsletters and other emails

Automate Your Posts

As we already discussed, consistency is the key to social media marketing to work its magic. But updating on different platforms can be tiring and time-consuming.

Marketing automation tools come handy when you want to publish consistently without wasting much time. There are various automation tools that you can use.

One such marketing tool is HootSuit. It can help you with scheduling and automating your posts. It has proven to be a lifesaver for people posting across multiple platforms.

Tell Interesting Stories Rather Than Selling Stuff

Don’t make your social channels all about yourself. Avoid promoting your business all the time. Thrusting your products on your followers is not good. It will do more harm than good to your brand or business. Offer something valuable to the users.

Internet users across the world spend 144 minutes daily on social networking sites. Provide relevant, interesting, and engaging content to your followers so that they stay a few minutes on your page, engage with your content, and maybe share it with others.

For example, people love reading personalized stories. They take a lot of interest in stories shared by other people. Tell your story; it will connect your followers with you.

They will get interested in you and want to know more about you. Hence, they would invest their time in reading, viewing, or watching more stories about you.

 Post at the Right Time to Maximize Engagement

Posting at the right time across different social channels is as important as posting anything at all. You may be posting insightful content but not being successful in increasing engagement. In such cases, posting at optimal times is the solution.

You can use management tools like HootSuit and Google Analytics to know at what time the user engagement is at its peak. Using the valuable insights provided by these management tools, you can determine optimal posting times and schedule your postings accordingly.

Use Videos to Keep Your Audience Engaged

Videos appeal more than text and images. The feed of any social media platform confirms this. Don’t trust me? Open any of your social networking accounts and see for yourself.

People prefer video content over other content formats. A study by HubSpot indicated that 54% of consumers want to see more videos from brands or businesses they support.

You can catch the attention of users and engage them by using video content in different ways. For example, if you own a cosmetics company, you can share a video of how makeup is made from scratch. You can document your next product launch. The idea is to keep your audience interested in your content.

Make it a Habit to Respond to All Comments

Social media has made getting feedback quick and hassle-free. Business pages and their social media profiles get many comments. They include suggestions, complaints, inquiries, or even appreciation of the users.

Users want a quick response to these comments from you or your team; so don’t disappoint them. The more problems you will solve, the more trust you will gain, and the credibility of your brand will increase.

You will also get a competitive edge over your competitors who do not respond to these comments.

One thing worthy of being mentioned here is that you must not lose your calm while handling criticism or addressing complaints. Sometimes the users get frustrated after not getting the product or service they desired. And go on to bash the product in the comment section. Here, you must think with a cool mind and patiently address all the problems as per the users’ satisfaction.

The comment section can do free marketing for you, provided you give a prompt response to the users. It will open doors to many new conversations and networking opportunities for your business.


Social media marketing is inexpensive, efficient, and builds brand awareness. Use it to can showcase your company’s products/services and post updates, events, etc. and see how your business grows its reach on social media.

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The post 8 Fantastic Social Media Tactics That Can Help Your Business Grow appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.


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