Friday 10 May 2019

How to Build an Enterprise Mobility Strategy to Run a Successful Business

Enterprise mobility allows organizations to use mobile solutions throughout their entire organization. This strategy offers businesses a number of benefits that will only grow more prominent as greater numbers of consumers and employees come to depend on mobile devices. These benefits include:

  • Offering Simple, Smart, Personalized Services to Consumers
  • Simplifying Your Business’s Internal Processes
  • Developing Self-Service Options for Consumers
  • Supporting Creative Revenue Options

Building an enterprise mobility strategy to run a successful business takes dedicated work and forethought. Go over the steps for integrating an enterprise mobility strategy into your company right here.

Steps to Build an Enterprise Mobility Strategy: Focus on Your Needs

No two businesses are exactly alike. Your business won’t need the exact same enterprise mobility services as other companies. You need to focus on your company’s:

  • Strategic Goals
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Core Products and Services
  • Bottleneck Areas
  • Gaps in Service

You may need enterprise mobility services specifically to draw in new customers or to dive into a new market. Other companies utilize enterprise mobility to boost employee productivity, to lower operational costs, or to encourage collaboration.

Identifying the specific needs of your business allows you to focus on the enterprise mobility solutions you need the most when developing a new strategy for your company, boosting your business’s odds for success.

Steps to Build an Enterprise Mobility Strategy: Research, Research, Research

Many companies are already implementing enterprise mobility solutions. You can review the apps and services used by your competitors – or even by businesses outside of your market – to develop a good idea about what works and what doesn’t.

Before you start implementing an enterprise mobility strategy, look at the services you are interested in utilizing. You should consider:

  • Consumer Feedback About Pre-Existing Enterprise Mobility Apps
  • Changes You’ll Need to Make to Integrate Services
  • Ways that Enterprise Mobility Services Will Create Value or Solve Problems

During the research portion of building an enterprise mobility strategy, you also need to ensure that your company has the technical skills and infrastructure to support these new services.

Steps to Build an Enterprise Mobility Strategy: Develop Personalized Objectives

A successful business uses personalized objectives to guide the development of enterprise mobility strategies. You can develop objectives and goals based on how enterprise mobility apps will impact your:

  • Business
  • Employees
  • Customers

While deciding on the objectives for your business, consider how you will judge the success of your enterprise mobility strategy. Consider developing a metric to measure your ROI (Return on Investment). You also need to think about:

  • Scaling the App to Grow with Your Business
  • Updating Apps Features Over Time
  • Opportunities Offered by Your Mobile App
  • Your Business’s Readiness to Implement Mobile Apps

Focusing on these topics can help guide you as you set up objectives for the outcomes of your enterprise mobility strategy.

Steps to Build an Enterprise Mobility Strategy: Pick the Right Platform

You have a choice when it comes to the development of your enterprise mobility apps. Depending on your business objectives and needs, you may choose to focus on mobility solutions developed through:

Mobile Web Apps

Mobile web apps are websites that users can access from mobile devices. These apps are generally usable with any mobile devices and they often require fewer overall updates than other apps. However, mobile web apps do not offer all of the functionality of some other apps. They can also only function if the mobile device has access to the internet.

Native Mobile Apps

Native mobile apps are designed specifically for use on mobile devices and they must be downloaded. These apps must be designed separately for Android and iOS platforms. They typically require more technical skill to develop, but they come with a large amount of functionality. They often function offline. Keep in mind that you may need to update them more frequently than mobile web apps.

Steps to Build an Enterprise Mobility Strategy: Factor in Continuous Delivery

Enterprise mobility apps are generally not a one-and-done prospect. Businesses must plan to update and adjust to continuous changes in the mobile environment. This is especially true if you develop a native mobile app.

You should prepare to:

  • Constantly Keep Features Up-to-Date
  • Apply User Feedback
  • Plan Out the Introduction of New Features

The need for continuous delivery means that you should plan for updates and changes right away. Before diving too deep into enterprise mobility strategies, make sure your company’s API (Application Programming Interfaces) infrastructure is prepared to maintain mobile apps frequently over the long run.

Steps to Build an Enterprise Mobility Strategy: Plan Out Your Security Strategy

Mobile apps can represent security risks for your company. A single hack could cost your company in profitability while damaging the trust offered by your clients. Establishing a security strategy before you implement your enterprise mobility strategies can help protect your company from hacks and other risks.

Your company may need to implement a UTM (Unified Threat Management System) to handle:

  • Network and Wireless Protection
  • Web and Email Protection
  • Defenses from Targeted Web Attacks

You can also look into EMM (Enterprise Mobility Management). This service offers a number of functions that can help with the successful deployment of mobile apps. You may use EMM services for:

  • Inventory Hardware and Applications
  • Deploy, Update, and Remove Mobile Apps
  • Handle Remote Troubleshooting and Remote Wipes

Ensure your company and your mobile apps are secure before you deploy an app to reduce the chances of a security breach that can damage consumer perception of your business.

Integrating Enterprise Mobile Strategies into Your Successful Business

Mobile apps are becoming increasingly common. Businesses may choose to use:

  • Mobile Web Apps
  • Native Mobile Apps

These apps can boost revenue, draw in new customers, support employees, and fill gaps in the services otherwise offered by your company. Successfully implementing an enterprise mobile strategy with an app requires you to:

  • Understand the Needs of Your Business
  • Conduct Thorough Research
  • Pick the Correct Platform
  • Focus on Continuous Delivery
  • Deal with Security Concerns

Take these factors into consideration and you’ll be ready to build an enterprise mobility strategy for your successful business.

Enterprise Resource Planning

The post How to Build an Enterprise Mobility Strategy to Run a Successful Business appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.


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