Thursday 18 July 2019

7 Smart Ways to get Quality Backlinks for Your Business

Getting quality backlinks is one of the most effective ways to grow your organic traffic. Search engines determine the authority of your website through the quality of backlinks. So you have to be extremely cautious about building quality backlinks. Take them as seriously as you’d take feedback or recommendation from a customer. The SEO world is not new to witnessing people acquiring backlinks the questionable way! So earn links the right way – here are seven smart ways to get quality backlinks for your business.

But before begin, here’s a heads-up – make content your best friend or else this piece might just not appeal you!

Use formats known to generate social share and links

According to a study by Buzzsumo, content formats like ‘How-to’ posts, listicles, quizzes, ‘why’ posts, infographics and videos generate a significantly high number of backlinks than other formats like regular 500-word blogs or articles. In fact, the whole industry of viral content is all about listicles, infographics, videos, and how-to posts. So start building content around these formats and see the change for yourself.

Implement Skyscraper technique to create content

Developed by the SEO guru, Brian Dean from Backlinko, the Skyscraper technique is all about turning content into a weapon to get quality backlinks. The process includes finding the piece that’s doing well in the industry, researching and analyzing all the top results for it and creating a piece that is 10x better than the ones on those top-ranking pages. Once done, share and promote this in your network so as to earn a backlink from them.

Publish guides

This is the best way to get other sites to link you. Create an ultimate guide to maybe website designs and you’ll be amused to generate as many backlinks as you hadn’t even thought. As per a lot of SEO studies, long-form content always does better than short blogs and articles, mostly because it helps people get all the information at one place without hopping from one website to another. Since your guide is the go-to resource, you’ll find people linking it when writing their own blogs. 

Build links from outdated resources

Yet another method by the Brian Dean, this includes looking for sites that have maybe changed names, moved URL, stopped offering services or shut down. Once done, find all the links pointing to that page using any backlink checker such as Ahrefs, SEMrush, etc. Analyze the list – you should be able to find a lot of opportunities for yourself. Pick up the sites that higher domain authority and reach out to them via email. Let them know that the link they have on their page/site is outdated and it might interest them to add one of yours. In most cases, they’ll be happy to remove the outdated resource and replace it with yours.

Authority Resource Pages

Getting a backlink on an authority resource page is like a dream come true for any SEO guy because these pages are made with the intent of linking to other sites! Find resource pages; this may look tedious initially because these resource pages are not actually termed as one on most sites. Try searching for ‘useful resources’, ‘further reading’, ‘additional resources’, etc. with the keyword on the subject you need a backlink. For instance, you need a resource page for website designs, search for ‘useful resources’ website page design. You’ll be able to find something advantageous for yourself. Again, reach out to them and ask for a link. This methodology requires a lot of well-scripted emails. The more you personalize, the higher the chances of getting a positive response.

Convert your mentions to quality backlinks

When you’re a regular blogger, chances are fellow bloggers and readers will mention you. These mentions are most of the time not linked to your site, but you can get them to link you. They mentioned you which means they appreciate you. So, don’t be hesitant to reach out to them and request them to add a link to your site on that mention. It’s one of the easiest ways to get backlinks. Write a friendly mail, thank them for the mention and request for a mention. That’s it!

Send Feeler emails

As the link builder, you tend to send a lot of emails. Now there are two ways to reach out to a prospective link building site – you can either ask for a backlink directly in the first email itself or you could use a feeler email. As per a survey, feeler emails found 40% responses and conversions than regular emails. So what is a feeler email? Here you feel the situation, reach out to the prospective person – tell them how great their work is in their field. In the same, mention how you have written an article on a similar topic and would love for them to read it. Do not share the link, just ask them if they’d be interested. Share the link and request them to share it among their readers, if and only if they say yes. Work is done! For your information, direct pitch led to 16% conversion whereas the 2-step email sequence witnessed a 40% conversion.

While these seven strategies should do your work, there are two more methods that you can use to get backlinks for your business.  Reaching out to bloggers for backlinks is a wonderful way to get easy backlinks. While this may not come from high authority sites always, this is definitely a great idea to gather several links. You may have to set aside some budget for this as several bloggers will expect compensation for this work. 

The other method may not be relevant for all, but it’s a good one for those of you who can implement it. Develop a tip, strategy, process or a tactic and name it. Publish this strategy on your blog showing people how it works. When you show proof of your strategy, you’ll automatically have several people coming and using it. And most of whom using it will mention it with a link, which is definitely a win-win situation for you. This strategy is actually an asset that can help you build thousands of backlinks for the long term.

So how did you find the strategies? How many have you used or intend to use in the future? Let us know in the comments below.

SEO – Deposit Photos

The post 7 Smart Ways to get Quality Backlinks for Your Business appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.


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