Thursday 18 July 2019

Mistakes That Everyone Makes During Business Speeches and Talks

Well, this is a known fact that communication to business is similar to air is, to humans. Without it, a business is lifeless. Having said that, many business owners struggle hard to make your business communication impactful.


They make some common mistakes without even knowing about them. These mistakes are so natural that no one knows about their existence. All they wonder is what went wrong during the meeting.  If this is the case with you as well, don’t worry. We have got your back this time.

Here are some of the key speeches and talk mistakes that are omnipresent and ways to deal with them –

  • You fail to connect with the audience 

There are two major aspects of every business communication. One is the speaker and the other is the audience. One of the most common practices is that the speaker fails many a time to connect with the audience before taking center stage. Whether you are delivering a speech on the stage or handling a customer call over the phone using VOIP phone number, make sure you connect with the audience.

How to deal with it?

If you are on the stage, make sure that you make proper eye contact with the audience. This way, they feel that you are aware of their presence and become more attentive. When you are talking over an office phone system, keeping track of another person’s attentiveness towards your talk can be a little bit daunting. However, you can achieve it by addressing them with their names in between, taking a regular pause, and asking for their input.

  • You deliver in a rush 

The next biggest issue with business speech and talk is that the speaker delivers in a rush as if s/he has to catch a flight just after the speech or talk.  They tend to speak in a fast and quick manner. One of the reasons behind this hustle-bustle is nervousness. Some speaker becomes nervous when they see the audience in front of them. In fact, this is a common thing while communicating with the business associates over a virtual phone number.  Though it is quite natural, it gives a bad impression of the speaker on the audience.

How to deal with it?

If you want to overcome this practice to speak quickly then the best way is to rehearse and rehearse. You can also record your speech and check the pace of your speech.

While you are dealing with the live audience, make sure that you deliver at a moderate pace.  When you feel like you are going too high, just try to break the conversation by asking a question from the audience.

For example, you can ask an employee about the previous month’s sales or so. This way you will get some time to overcome your nervousness. While you are over speaking with a customer/client over an online phone number, just let the speakers talk for a while or ask them to put their call on hold for a while.

However, make sure that you just don’t ask to put on hold while the other person is still speaking. Doing this will make you lose your credibility as a speaker and listener as well.

  • You forget to be good listener simultaneously 

As we have already mentioned that there are two main aspects of any conversation: audiences and the speaker, you need to be a good listener while handling the charge of the speaker.

You may be the key speaker during the meeting, presenting the powerful presentation, or on calls made through online phone systems, you may be the one who is dictating the whole meeting, but you can’t ignore the important ace of being a listener while residing on a chair of the key speaker.

Your team or customers are going to share their views and comments based upon their analysis of your speech.

Do you know that you can double up your productivity and reduce the operational cost half of the original by being an office nomad? Their inputs are of high merit as they show how much interest they have taken in your speech and how much you have succeeded as a speaker. However, a lot of speakers forget to give weight to the audiences’ view and just deliver their part.

How to deal with it?

When you feel that any of the audience is curious to ask something, encourage them. You can also keep open discussion sessions during the speech where everyone can speak their minds out.

A VOIP phone number is a virtual number that doesn’t need a traditional PSTN system to get operated as it works over an internet connection. You can use this number to make/receive calls, send/receive SMS, and even held video conferencing.

As it is compatible with all sorts of data-driven devices, you can use literary work from a phone as well. Many of the Virtual Phone Number Providers offer mobile app support as well. That indicates you can perform all your official duties without being glued to your office chairs.

When implemented diligently, one can operate the whole call center right from its living room or from any cozy corners of the house by only using an online number.

While you are using a virtual phone system, make sure you give pause and ask for the inputs from the other side audience. As they are not in front of your eyes, you can’t make out whether they are involved in the talk or not. Whenever the person, on the other hand, tries to speak out, you need to stop down there only. So, let them speak their heart and mind and be a good listener to your audience.

Delivering quality and interactive speech live or on an office phone system is not as easy as it seems. You need to be extra aware of your audiences and consider their presence. So, avoid these mistakes during the next talk and make it as impactful as you wished to be.

Public Speaking – Deposit Photos

The post Mistakes That Everyone Makes During Business Speeches and Talks appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.


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